As specialists in Delphi studies and sensitive data collection, our software helps academics to efficiently and securely obtain outcome data in trials, or get consensus in Delphi studies. No fiddly set-up work is needed - we get everything ready as it's needed and pilot with the academic team before going live.
We help academics to design high-quality Delphi studies with low panel attrition. We increase research capacity by using our adaptable Delphi software to administer the study on behalf of teams, and we analyse responses and provide full inter-round and final reports.
Our secure in-app and on-line managed solutions help academics and triallists collect data in health studies and trials, avoiding the need to pay for paper, postage, data entry, gaining higher response rates, while avoiding the need for any labour intensive set-up work or individual field encryption.
Tried and tested methods to help professional bodies acquire feedback from stakeholder groups to ensure the quality of services delivered.
Please look at some of our other customers' published Delphi studies and see what other customers have had to say about their experience of doing a Delphi study with us (in our publications and endorsements pages). Our customers have published Delphi studies in high-impact journals such as BMJ, and one has had over 500 citations within four-years.
To find out how we can help on your study, please contact us today.
Clinvivo started life in a Clinical Trials Unit. Its staff have been involved in many large clinical trials and you will find us familiar with needs and requirements, and flexible so that our services can be optimised to work perfectly with your chosen design. Please contact us today to find out how we can help with your study.
Please contact us today to find out how we can help with your needs, study, or project.
The context in which treatment management decisions have been made is often unknown. A stated preference-elicitation method, known as a discrete choice experiment (DCE), permits the measurement and quantification of value attributes that inform decision-making. For example, consider being at a sporting event during an interval when many from the crowd wish to purchase food. Factors that people consider when deciding what to buy may include the type of food available from stands, the price, and the length of the queue. By presenting vignettes of each offer and queue length, and asking a person to choose between scenarios, the values assigned to food-type, cost, and queue length, can be quantified as a factor of each attribute. We could also make the design 'adaptive', so that the presented choices change depending on the selections made (e.g. if someone never chooses a salad bar option, that can be removed to focus on what matters more to that person).
Clinvivo's DCE software permits straight-forward DCE designs, as well as adaptive designs, and real-time analysis of responses. The software can be used in a browser, or in our DCE app, which can be installed on tablets for use in health care settings.
Clinvivo is a University of Warwick spin-out company that was incorporated following a HEIF5 grant to fund the development of technology to allow trial participants and patients to complete health outcomes conveniently on their own mobile devices. Clinvivo offers data collection services for clinical trials, epidemiological studies, Delphi studies, routine data collection, and discrete choice experiments. We have developed technology to deliver these services with a strong emphasis on security and good GDPR management.
Chequers Barn, Chequers Hill, Bough Beech, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 7PD